Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Season to be Jolly or Not?

Its the holidays again, I am praying that all will have the most joyous holiday ever especially when we do not know what the next one may bring. However, we do know that there will be drinking and depression, jealously and anger and so on so let us try to be viligent in watching out for each other and in keeping our own selves in-check.

Some of us will be blessed that we no longer fear violence in our homes while others still remain in a violent situation full of antisapation knowing it is coming. To them I say get out now before the abuse starts, do not stay one more day... if you have a pattern in your relationships of abuse during the holidays. For many generational depressions occur during this time, (the holiday blues of learned behavior the parents had) or from personality or dysfunctional disorders.

If you decide to leave, take caution, seek advise on how to exit the relationship, all to often exit is the most dangerous time. Solid wisdom and good planning along with sticking with your decisions is best. (That means if you leave do not put yourself in a position to be hurt because you feel compassion for your abuser by seeing them to talk especially not alone).

Fear of abuse can be a constant state of stress as conditions worsened the more they prepare to explode as you cringe in its expectacy. Experts agree the holidays are the worst times for domestic violence as cases spike and relationships get more abusive, but the silver lining is that more victims also escape this time of year than at any other. There will be more instances this season because domestic violence cases have increased and attributed to the sour economy. December and January are the busiest months of the year for the local domestic violence shelter, which offers many free services to victims, including free transportation to a heavily secured facility.
Have a Happy Happy Holiday and God Bless You!
Should you see violence taking place remember you can be killed for interference. I does happen, think smart and think safety with backup. Also, chances are the victim may defend the attacker instead of the rescuer and that is normal, ...just don't be surprised by it should it happen. Hope no violence this season but just in case.

Remember our soldiers who cannot be here in your prayers. Many Blessings to you all.

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